Friday, September 26, 2008


Yeaaah! finally in Madrid! So the first day was really interesting and i'm soooo tired now!
I spent the whole afternoon doing some shopping and i fell in love with those two cuties from above.
Then I had dinner at Ramsés, the new restaurant designed by Philip Starck. really if you have the chance to go just do it! :)
Right: Balenciaga leather jacket. Not just a leather jacket but the most amazing one. Such a pitty it was 1700 bucks...
Left: It doesn't need presentation my friend... Just say Balmain and dress. Mix those two words and dream...
I saw both at Ekseption!


Coco_mademoiselle said...

Wow, I'm loving your blog darling, keep up the good workk

Kisses .

..... said...

balmain is so nice !!! so sexy ! so feminine

Ella Gregory said...

Love that jacket. I want it BAAAAAD.

MDS* said...

I'm so obsessed with Balmain and, of course, I love this dress!

MDS* said...

Qué burra, no sé por qué te escribo en inglés, jajaja!

Couture Carrie said...

That dress is exquisite!


Rumi Neely said...

2 very perfect garments.